The Burrows of Aeris
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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  Jobie Thu 05 Jan 2012, 2:15 pm

Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Custom27Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Custom73

Govindo loved playing in the forest. It was all so pretty and green this time of year. And the smells! The flowers, the dirt, the grass. He loved it all! He hopped along playfully, occasionally chasing a butterfly for a few paces before going back to follow Jobie. He wasn't exactly following her, more or hopping around her in circles. "Jo, Jo, Jobie," he said loudly and playfully. "Where are we gooooinggg," he added with a giggle.

On the other hand Jobie was hopping along with a smile on her face. She watched Govindo play and just shook her head. He was such a playful little guy. "We're not going anywhere," she told him calmly. "Just a walk through the forest."

"But I want to doooo somethinggg," was Govindo's response as he continued to hop circles around Jobie.

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  auntslappy282 Sat 07 Jan 2012, 6:21 pm

Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Arctic

It was a little boring to be honest. Sitting under a tree, just staring at the sky as the clouds moved by, one by one, not even caring if someone was looking at you, judging you, just, floating along happily with out a care in the world. It could be compared to jackalope in some way or another, but jackalope tended to care if you were judging them. They say it takes less then a minute to judge someone by the way they walk, talk, act, stand, write, etc. Chiyuuki was used to this feeling. It seemed that where ever she went, someone would judge her in some way or another.

Thats why the forest was nice, it was quiet and peaceful, until a jackalope comes. But something seemed different about the approaching footsteps. Chiyuuki turned her head around the base of the tree to watch the now approaching jackalopes. They seemed interesting enough. She followed them with her eyes, knowing at this rate she would be noticed and asked. It's a bit hard to hide large ears and antlers behind a tree trunk.
S33R OF M1ND! H3H3!

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  Jobie Sun 08 Jan 2012, 4:37 am

Govindo was the first one to spot the white jackalope up ahead. His ears perked up happily. "Hey, hey, Jobie, lookit! There's another jackalope. Can we talk to it, pleaaaase?" He began to hop towards the new face without permission from his baby-sitter.

Jobie noticed the other as well, but wasn't too sure if she would be friendly or not. When people weren't friendly to Govindo he tended to through a fit or ask them a dozen questions, such as why they weren't nice. But Govindo was already hopping towards the other. Jobie sighed, shaking her head. "Just be careful," she called to him.

The white and black jackalope was already ahead of the green female. He didn't have enough time to just hop along slowly. He had to explore. And, at this moment, socialize. He reached the white female and actually managed to site down across from her. "Hi there! I'm Govindo! Who are you?" He asked the questions quickly in his child-like voice.

The green female reached the pair and smiled kindly at the other. "So sorry for his up-frontness," she said. "He's just a child," she continued.

Govindo stole a glance at Jobie, then back at the stranger. "And she is Jobie, my 'baby-sitter'." He made a face at the last phrase in his sentence. "I don't think I need a baby-sitter though," he added. Jobie rolled her eyes. If it weren't for her, Govindo would probably be dead by now, or kid-napped.

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  auntslappy282 Mon 16 Jan 2012, 6:15 am

The surprise was blatant on her face. When a jackalope comes out of no where, it is indeed a bit surprising. Chiyuuki didn't really expect the jackalope to sit across from her and begin talking. She was surprised to say the least. The jackalope talked and talked, spouting information like it was no tomorrow. What if this jackalope right here was a murderer? What if she was a stalker? All these things would play out poorly, but thankfully for them, she was none of the above. She blinked as the questions and comments bombarded her. She nodded slowly, attempting to take it all in.

"I'm Chiyuuki... And it's no problem. Upfront people aren't to bad. Well, half of the time. Anyways it's very nice to meet you two. May I ask where it is you two are heading?" Wow great way to sound like a mass murder Chiyuuki. She scolded herself in her brain. How could she be so careless? Now they would think she was out to kill them or stalk them or something. She sighed, hoping they wouldn't take it the wrong way. She was just trying to be friendly, but her words slipped far to often for her own good.
S33R OF M1ND! H3H3!

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Location : "That of course is the advantage of being a pessimist; a pessimist gets nothing but pleasent surprises, an optimist nothing but unpleasent."

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  Jobie Mon 16 Jan 2012, 1:58 pm

"We're not going anywhere," Jobie said with a kind smile. "I just wanted to take Govindo on a stroll." And it wasn't a very easy thing to do either. The little jackalope was always on the run, doing something. Thoughts of Chiyuuki being a murderer didn't pass through her mind, mainly because she was a trusting female.

"No, not going anywhere. Just walking, which is very boringgg," Govindo said. "Your name is Chiyuuki, huh? That is very hard to say, can I call you, uh, Chi? Or Chi-chi?" He giggled at the nickname he came up with. "What are you doooing?" He looked at the other curiously, no thoughts of her being a murderer in the young jackalope's head.

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  auntslappy282 Fri 16 Mar 2012, 4:27 pm

((Man, I am so sorry! I've had a dead muse for months. ;3; ))

Chiyuuki smiled. Something about the two of them made her smile. She didn't really know what, but whatever it was, it was welcoming. "Walking can be fun if you make it fun," Chiyuuki said positively, which was a rather strange tone for her to have. She was usually much more of a downer then anything, and the positive tone in her voice was very abnormal. "Well, any of those would really work. I've never really been nicknamed before, but whatever floats your boat I guess," Chiyuuki said with a smile. She stood up and dusted off her white pelt a few times. Dust and dirt stuck to her coat like no bodies business.
S33R OF M1ND! H3H3!

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Location : "That of course is the advantage of being a pessimist; a pessimist gets nothing but pleasent surprises, an optimist nothing but unpleasent."

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  Jobie Fri 30 Mar 2012, 1:52 pm

Jobie nodded in agreement. "Yes, that's what I've told him, but he just won't listen to me," she said with a shake of her head. The younger jackalope was stubborn in not listening to her advice.

"Okayyyy, Chi-chi,"
Govindo said with a chuckle. "I like that one that best," he laughed again. "How can you make a walk funnnn?" He drew the word 'fun' out and then hopped around in a circle. "Circles are funnnnn!"] He exclaimed with another laugh as he hopped around the two females in circles.

((It's alright, and sorry for the wait on my end. :3 My muse dies randomly too, so it's all good. :]))

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  auntslappy282 Mon 02 Apr 2012, 4:52 am

Chiyuuki smiled and nodded. "Okay, well first things first, you can stop hopping around us, and we can go for the walk which we were going to go on. While we're walking we can play... I Spy. How does that sound?" Chiyuuki said, approaching the two Jackalopes with a slight smile. She stretched her back legs and then she smiled at the the two of them, and decided to go ahead and start down the narrow path that would lead somewhere or another. She hadn't brought anything out here into the woods, she just came to relax and to be able to have some peace and quiet. She smiled back at the two Jackalope. "Well come along then!" She said with a smile.
S33R OF M1ND! H3H3!

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Location : "That of course is the advantage of being a pessimist; a pessimist gets nothing but pleasent surprises, an optimist nothing but unpleasent."

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  Jobie Tue 03 Apr 2012, 2:31 pm

Govindo stopped hopping around them and tilted his head in interest. "I Spy.... sounds like fun!" He giggled before following after Chiyuuki; he didn't need any more persuasion. "Okay, hm," he said cheerily. "I spy with my little eye... something..." He looked around him to find a color. Spotting a bluebird up in a tree he chuckled. "Something BLUE!" He shouted happily as he continued to hop.

Jobie hopped along after Chiyuuki and Govindo. She smiled happily because she could tell Govindo was having more fun already. When Govindo picked a color, she looked around for something blue. There were blue wildflowers and the sky. She didn't notice the bird Govindo had. "Is it those flowers?" She asked curiously.

"Nope!" Govindo responded happily. "Not the flowers," he smiled mischievously. "You'll never guess what it is! Your turn Chi-chi!"


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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  auntslappy282 Sun 08 Apr 2012, 6:14 am

Chiyuuki barely listened to the exchange that was going on beside her, but she was looking for blue things. She looked up to the sky, but that was to obvious. He ears flicked about and when she heard the shallow chirping of the bird that sat in the bush a few feet away, Chiyuuki turned to the bush. She saw the blue bird and smiled. "Would it happen to be the blue bird that's sitting over on those bushes?" Chiyuuk said with a smirk. She was honestly surprised it didn't fly away when Govindo shouted.
S33R OF M1ND! H3H3!

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Location : "That of course is the advantage of being a pessimist; a pessimist gets nothing but pleasent surprises, an optimist nothing but unpleasent."

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  Jobie Sun 08 Apr 2012, 3:37 pm

"Yes, YES! That's IT!" Govindo was exclaiming happily. He glanced at the bird, then hopped closer. It stopped it's chirping and looked at the childish jackalope. Govindo giggled, then hopped back onto the path the other two were hopping along. The bird flew away to land on another tree nearby. He glanced toward Chiyuuki. "Your turn," he said brightly.

Jobie stayed quiet as Govindo hopped along and played. She wondered how long it would take him to get bored of this game. His attention span was so short sometimes, and it was hard to keep him on track.

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Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie] Empty Re: Let's do Something!! [Me and Auntie]

Post  auntslappy282 Thu 26 Apr 2012, 7:08 am

A look of utter pride fell upon the white jackalopes face. She was good at sensing things and finding them, but she needed to be smart about this next round. "I spy..," Chiyuuki said, looking over everything in the general area of the two of them. She saw a small purple flower and decided to do that. It would probably be fairly easy, but it was just so small and fragile that it needed some one to notice it and keep it happy.

"I spy something purple!" Chiyuuki said, a confident smirk spreading across her face. She did enjoy this game quiet a lot. It was funner to play with someone whom was younger then you so you could see their appreciation for the game.
S33R OF M1ND! H3H3!

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Location : "That of course is the advantage of being a pessimist; a pessimist gets nothing but pleasent surprises, an optimist nothing but unpleasent."

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