The Burrows of Aeris
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Sunbaked [P, Jack]

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Sunbaked [P, Jack] Empty Sunbaked [P, Jack]

Post  Mousen Heath Sat 17 Sep 2011, 10:49 am

Sunbaked [P, Jack] Custom6

The first time he'd come here, Jahi had been surprised to find that he felt... whole, and it had taken him along time to work out what that feeling really was. When he was among the rocks and desert environment of the red ochre plains, he felt like he was home. That was a feeling that had eluded him for a long time. His deep red pelt even echoed the stone and sand around him, it was as if he was carved out of the same red sandstone that made up the ochre plains. And on some days, he felt like he was carved out of bloody rock. Spirits, he was getting too old for this.

Jahi gritted his teeth slightly as he hopped, wiggling his right shoulder about. Tch. It hadn't been the same since he'd gotten himself into that darn fight. Deciding to give up on his achy shoulder for the time being, the jackalope sat down, gravitating towards the little shade he could find. He could cope with the heat for the most part, infact he enjoyed arid climates, but a little shade wouldn't do him any harm. His thoughts wondered to his family, and he had to wonder what trouble they were getting up to. He worried about them, but it had been awhile since they'd done anything really stupid. Part of him wondered if that was a good sign, or whether I'd just mean that they were saving up all their stupid for a special occasion. The other part of him was too frustrated with the fact that he was no longer the springiest chicken around. He wasn't even that old, but still, Jahi was coming to the realization that his days of fighting, or atleast his days of fighting and being able to win were coming to an end.

((Short, sorry. <33 ))
Mousen Heath
Mousen Heath

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Sunbaked [P, Jack] Empty Re: Sunbaked [P, Jack]

Post  jackpking Sun 18 Sep 2011, 8:00 am

((Sorry! I forgot about this >_<))

Kara yawned noisily as she stretched, her twin spears clattering against the surrounding stones as they fell from her side. With a groan and a sight she ducked down into the rocks, her tail and rear sticking straight up into the air as she attempted to retrieve her weapons. She'd known she should have found a better place to put them, but the sun just felt to nice, and she had been walking all night. She'd also had a large meal of assorted eggs not that long before coming across the wonderfully warm stones, so that hadn't helped. She sighed angrily as she recalled the destruction of her only shirt and shorts, and the reason why her torso was only shielded from the rough rocks by a small red bikini top. The man had torn her shirt off when she refused to go back to his room with him, and then his friends latched on to her shorts to such an extent she'd been forced to abandon them. She loved the bikini for sunbathing like she'd been doing, but she'd hate to have to fight someone while wearing nothing but it.


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Sunbaked [P, Jack] Empty Re: Sunbaked [P, Jack]

Post  Mousen Heath Wed 21 Sep 2011, 10:26 am

The sound of something clattering against rock caught the jackalope's attention, and his ears picked up, flicking to and fro. He stood up on his hind legs for a moment too, scanning the desert terrain, eventually his eyes settled upon a peculiar looking figure. And upon deciding that it would be best if he went to have a look, he hopped over. He was hesitant, something was glinting in the sunlight - something made of metal. It was armed. He didn't want to be on the receiving end of whatever sharp metal thing this creature might stick into his gut.

As he came closer, it became apparent that this creature was mostly human... Mostly, that was. The humans he'd come across didn't usually have tails. Unlike most jackalope, Jahi didn't actually mind them. Back where he'd originally came from, the humans and the four-legged critters had gotten along just fine. He wasn't quite sure what to do, however when faced with one that was armed, or atleast that was attempting to retrieve her weaponry. He coughed, slightly, hoping that wouldn't startle her too much.
Mousen Heath
Mousen Heath

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Sunbaked [P, Jack] Empty Re: Sunbaked [P, Jack]

Post  jackpking Fri 23 Sep 2011, 7:58 am

Noting the cough Kara quickly re-obtained her weapons and pulled herself out of the rocky hole. The two spears pointing off to her sides she tilted her head curiously. "Yes? Can I help you with something? Or can you help me with something? Do I need help with something?" Her train of thought having derailed she turned her head further to the side, still staring at the one who'd come to her. "You aren't after the water are you? I have a special way of greeting the people who want the water." She'd been guarding a magic oasis until recently, and had met with many rogues seeking to obtain the magical properties of the waters. She'd been appointed as the guardian of the spring when she was very young, and so despite no longer being anywhere near the water, she still felt the need to protect it.


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Sunbaked [P, Jack] Empty Re: Sunbaked [P, Jack]

Post  Mousen Heath Fri 30 Sep 2011, 10:21 am

Well... Perhaps the lizard half of her brain was the half that was slightly more dominant at this point in time. Jahi tried to keep up with her, but he failed miserably. "Er, I was just curious, actually. I haven't lived here as long as some, but I have never seen your like around here." She was an odd creature, definitely. The jackalope had seen more than his fair share of odd things in his lifetime, and it seemed that he was destined to find himself in another strange situation.

"What? I'm not looking for any water, Miss. Just travelling through, as it were." The implied threat meant little to him, however he wasn't about to stick his nose into a fight for a no good reason, especially not a fight were his opponent would have the upper hand.
Mousen Heath
Mousen Heath

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Sunbaked [P, Jack] Empty Re: Sunbaked [P, Jack]

Post  jackpking Wed 05 Oct 2011, 6:51 am

Kara smiled widely, revealing her rows of razor sharp teeth "Okay, that's fine then. But what are you curious about exactly? I realize I'm fairly unique, as a creation of the waters, but really, what would you want to know? My name? I suppose I really should introduce myself... and apologize for threatening you... I'm Kara, and I'm sorry." She wasn't stupid, she simply didn't feel it necessary to think her thoughts through, and so just said whatever came to mind.


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Sunbaked [P, Jack] Empty Re: Sunbaked [P, Jack]

Post  Mousen Heath Tue 18 Oct 2011, 1:46 am

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you, exactly?" Obviously, she seemed to be some sort of part lizard, part human creature... Though, that didn't really make sense did it? And then there was this 'water' she kept referring to. He didn't dare ask about it, for fear that she might turn on him again but he couldn't deny the fact that he was atleast curious over it. "Jahi." He replied after she'd introduced herself, offering out his paw.
Mousen Heath
Mousen Heath

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Sunbaked [P, Jack] Empty Re: Sunbaked [P, Jack]

Post  jackpking Thu 27 Oct 2011, 12:44 pm

"Oh, I'm human, well I was... The water has some strange effects. Although it did save my life so I can't complain." She seemed completely fine talking about this, a broad smile staining her face. "And what are you exactly? I've not met that many other sentient creatures, and most that I've met have been human anyway." accepting the paw with both hands she began to shake the offered arm furiously, her smile broadening as she did so. "OH, but I guess that doesn't really matter... does it? I suppose it couldn't hurt to know... But more importantly, where are you on your way to?"


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Join date : 2011-09-15

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